Sunday, June 27, 2010

Timing is Crucial

When pulling off a prank, nothing really counts more than timing. In all of my years of mischief, I can honestly say that the only times that I haven’t successfully completed a plan, it was due to nothing more than human error.

A miscalculation, however slight, in the timing, coordination, and execution of your prank will mean not only a failed attempt… but more often than not, it also means that you’ll get caught. Take, for example, the plan that I tried to put into effect last week.

I have an awesome assistant. She’s quick, bright, and funny. We get along great, and I have no idea what I’d do without her. However, she’s also just as much of a joker as I am, and she’s always been an integral part of the office prank war.

And that’s why I decided to put superglue on her mouse button.

See, I figured that I had about 10 minutes while she took a coffee break to come into her office, apply a few drops, and have it just tacky enough to stick her fingers to her rodent when she got back. But somewhere along the line, I miscalculated. I believe my fatal flaw was in believing that she had just left, when in fact she had walked out a few minutes prior. So instead of 10 minutes, my window was narrowed down to less than 5.

Sure enough, she came back to her desk just as I was applying the last drops of super glue to her mouse.


We did get a laugh out of my foiled attempt to put her in a sticky position, but I have a feeling she’s going to get revenge, even though I didn’t actually catch her!

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