Saturday, June 26, 2010

Post Its... with a Twist

Here’s a twist on the classic Post-It wallpaper idea that my brother gave me.

You already know how much fun it is to take several large stacks of sticky notes and plaster them all over an unsuspecting co-worker’s walls. But what if you could do it one better? I haven’t tried it yet, but believe you me, this one is not too far off.

Aside from just sticking the blank Post It’s up, why not write a few clever messages for your friend to find when they come in the next morning? Now, granted, it would take just too darned long to write a missive on each and every sticky before putting it on the wall. But if you spread the job out among a few devious coworkers, you can ensure that every fourth or fifth note has a witty saying or personal note on it.

They don’t have to be long… just a quick reminder of how clever, funny, and downright awesome the victim’s coworkers are. Here are a couple of ideas:

Wow… there sure are a LOT of these notes

Looks like you’re going to be late for today’s meeting

I drank out of your I heart Dad mug

I see London, I see France… I see Barbara’s Underpants

You’re still not done?!


You get the idea. You can make them as naughty or tame as you like (depending on your victim’s personality and how strict your boss is). Finally, make sure you take a picture of all of the witty culprits and make it your coworker’s screen saver, so that they can remember all of your hard work every time they boot up.

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