Friday, April 30, 2010

CSI: Cube Farm

Do you have a loyal CSI or Law and Order fan at your office? Here’s a prank that you can pull on them that just might make their day.

You’ll need a partner for this prank, so grab a buddy and make sure you guys get in a while before your victim is set to arrive at the office. (It’ll be worth waking up extra early to get a few extra laughs out of the day)

Have your partner lie down on the floor in the middle of the office. Alternately, you can have them lean against the cubicle wall. Using white masking tape or chalk, draw an outline of your partner’s prone body. For maximum effect, have them assume a crazy position.

Once you have the body drawn, it’s time to set the rest of the crime scene. Knock over a few things, turn the picture frames askew, and (if you can find it) rub fingerprint powder on the keyboard, coffee mug, and a few other key pieces of office paraphernalia.

Finally, stretch some yellow police or caution tape across the opening to the office or cubicle. Once the crime scene has been set, you might want to leave a few “clues” for your coworker to follow to be able to solve the mystery of the great office caper.

A couple of subtle hints should lead them to your office, where you should be waiting, handcuffs in hand, to arrest the perpetrator.

Of course, the only nice thing to do afterwards is help them clean up and set their office straight again. But chances are good that you’ll both be laughing pretty hard at this point.

Who knows, maybe you’ll even earn yourself your own spin off on Wednesday nights

Gadget of the Month: The Annoy-a-tron

In the world of office shenanigans, it is sometimes necessary to look into props and gizmos to help facilitate your evil plan. From whoopee cushions to fake computer mice, gadgets have long been a prankster’s best friend.

Which is why this month’s featured gizmo is Think Geek’s Annoy-a-Tron. This little thing is absolutely brilliant.

Looking very much like a miscellaneous computer part, the Annoy-a-Tron actually emits random beeps at 2 or 12 kHz. Let me say that again: every few minutes, the hidden annoyer will let loose a random beep.

Can’t you just see how much fun this could be?!

Because of its small magnetic strip, you can hide this gadget just about anywhere in your unsuspecting victim’s office. The electronic beeping will be enough to drive even a seasoned IT professional absolutely crazy. And because the beeps go off at random times, your poor coworker will have a horrible time trying to time them.
It seems pretty easy to use, too. Just remove the plastic strip off of the small watch battery. (It already comes with the battery, so no need to scramble for one) Then find a good hiding place in your coworkers cube or office, and let the fun begin.

Even if you’re friends do manage to spot the Annoy-a-Tron (which is highly unlikely) they’ll still be confused as to what on earth it is. Paranoia, I am told, is not uncommon.

I ordered one today, and I’ll keep you guys posted as to how well it works once it arrives and I set it up. Personally, I’ve got high expectations for it! Now I just need to decide on a victim. Muahahaha…

For more info on the Annoy-a-Tron, or to order your own, visit Think Geek’s website at

Thursday, April 29, 2010

There's Always Room for...

You know that old saying about not fixing something that ‘aint broken’? Well, that rule applies to office mischief, too. There are some classic examples of office pranks that while certainly aren’t new, are still worth trying out.

Take, for example, the stapler in the Jell-O routine. Sure, it’s been done before, but that doesn’t make it any less funny. It’s kind of like the Free Credit Report.Com commercials—just because you’ve seen them a million times doesn’t mean that you don’t want to sing along every time the guy in the pirate hat appears on your screen.

So, without further ado, here’s how to make a desktop Jell-O mold:

First, swipe something off of a coworker’s desk after they’ve gone home for the day. Traditionally, this trick is done with a stapler, but really any smallish item will work: coffee mugs, calculators, sun glasses, that “easy button”, etc.

You’re going to need a decent sized plastic or Tupperware container, with a lid, so if you don’t have one, make sure you swing by and pick one up before heading home.
It will most likely take about 4-5 boxes of Jell-O to cover your average sized stapler. Begin by following the instructions on the boxes. This will involve boiling water, and stirring in and dissolving the powdered Jell-O mixture to the pot. Here’s a hint: for added strength, mix in some straight gelatin to the mix.

While the water is boiling, suspend the snatched item in the middle of the plastic container using dental floss taped to the outside. If you’re using a stapler, simply hang the stapler upside down from the opening in the middle, and then tape the floss securely to the outside.

Carefully pour the hot Jell-O mixture over the suspended stapler, and then top off with the right amount of boiling water.

Refrigerate your Jell-O stapler/mug/glasses overnight.

The next day, you should have a solid mold. Put the top on your plastic container and secure well. Then, when you place the container (upside down) on your co-worker’s desk, you’ll have a right side up, suspended stapler.


For Sale

Here’s a prank inspired by the folks at The Office.

If your office’s break room has a vending machine, put it to good use in your mischievous quest for Friday afternoon laughs.

Keep in mind that this prank is really only feasible one of two ways--

You either have to be pretty chummy with the person that comes to refill the vending machines, or you have to patiently wait for an opportunity to present itself.

Here’s how to pull it off:

On refill day, keep an eye out for a vending machine door that isn’t quite shut properly. (This is where being friendly with the right people comes in handy. You can convince them to leave it slightly ajar for you at the end of the day.)

Once everyone’s gone home for the day, decide on a few lucky coworkers. Take one thing from each of their desks. (Staplers, notebooks, small picture frames, computer mice and paper weights all work beautifully) They key here is to make it something important enough to be missed right away, but nothing particularly valuable or personal. Oh, and steer away from anything super fragile, too. Breaking someone’s stuff is never cool.

Carefully line the first row on each vending machine shelf with your pilfered items. Make sure that they’re visible and in the very FIRST ring, so that they are easily accessible.

Next, you might want to leave a small clue as to the whereabouts of your friends’ belongings. You can print out a sign for the hallways (or send out a quick email) letting people know that there are new offerings in the snack room. Or, you can leave a couple of quarters on everyone’s desk.

Either way, you’ll want to be one of the very first folks in the office… Because the look on people’s faces is bound to be priceless!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Looking Back

Ah, the good old days. Before I got my own office, I used to work in the cube farm, where some of the coolest folks in my whole company still reside. The day before I left on vacation (right before my grand exit from cubicle land) my friends decided that it would be funny to fill my entire work space with packing peanuts. I found it amusing, and told them that I wouldn’t seek revenge.
I lied.
While I won’t say that it consumed me during my time off, I did spend a little time pondering what I was going to do to them when I got back from sunny Acapulco. A few margaritas later, I decided that one mass prank for the 4 of them would do nicely. Upon my return, I recruited a couple of friends from another department to help me pull off my daring prank.
It would take a little time and coordinated effort, but I had a feeling it would be worth the work.
The Sunday before I went back to work, my merry pranksters and I used my key card to gain access to my floor. Splitting into two teams, we made quick work of swapping all 4 people’s offices.
The toughest part was making sure that every rearranged cubicle was recreated exactly the way it looked in its original spot. Beautiful.
Come Monday morning, I arrived early to (ostensibly) put my new office together. It was a little tough to keep a straight face as I went about setting up my awards and picture frames, but I knew that looking innocent was a key component to my plan.
By 9am, the first two of my victims—I mean coworkers—had arrived. The look of pure confusion on their faces as they walked over to where their desks used to be was priceless. There was no use trying to keep from laughing at that point!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Inspiration from The Office

So, I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning, sipping my coffee and attempting to think up some clever office pranks, when the image of John Krasinski suddenly popped into my mind.

Now, this really isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Being one of my top celebrity crushes, Mr. Krasinski’s adorable face has a tendency to romance my brain from time to time, causing me to stare into space and sigh, lovingly (not unlike a fourteen-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert).

But, this particular occasion was all business. For, when trying to think up awesome office pranks, all I had to do was look to the clever and creative (and dreamy) prank master, Jim Halpert (played by Krasinski) of The Office.

Jim’s relentless pranking of resident beet farming nemesis, Dwight Schrute, has proved to be one of the funniest aspects of the hit NBC series.

Like the time he paid everyone in the office to call Dwight “Dwayne” for an entire day, the time he (successfully) convinced Dwight he had been turned into a vampire after alleging having been bitten by a bat that had gotten loose in the office, the time he moved Dwight’s desk into the men’s bathroom and so on…

There are five seasons worth of hilarious prank ideas for you to choose from and use on your own coworkers.

Ever come across a coworker who thought the next day was Saturday, not Friday (we’ve all been there)? Instead of telling him or her that there’s still one more day before the weekend, do everything you can to keep them convinced of their mistake. Talk about your plans for tomorrow, Saturday, and how you’re so happy it’s Friday, etc…

At the end of the work day, though, let them know that you were just pranking them and correct them on their mistake. We wouldn’t want them to end up like Dwight, who truly believed it was a Saturday and didn’t show up to work until realizing his mistake half way into the day.

Yes, the prank ideas are endless on The Office. There are a ton of Youtube clips featuring montages and compilations of Jim’s persistent reign of trickster terror on Dwight, so you should definitely check them out if you’re looking for some new methods of office playfulness.

And keep an eye out for those pesky vampire bats.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Office Pranked Day?

Happy Earth Day everyone!

Actually, the whole concept of “Earth Day” got me thinking… we need more holidays.

Office Prank day, for example, would probably go over really well. And yes, I know that there are those that would argue that April 1st serves that purpose, but I disagree—we need a day (possibly a week or even a month) out of the year designated to this fascinating pastime. Hey, it could even be a “season”, like with sports!

Let’s be honest—the office prank is something that everybody should participate in. I’d even go so far as to say it should be a regulated requirement for everyone that works in offices.

The versatile office prank is almost a downright necessity when it comes to breaking up the monotony of daily office life. I’d categorize office mischief up there with toilet paper: a completely simple idea, and yet, where would we be without it?

Think about it. If everyone participated in at least one prank a year, the whole world of office cubicles and endless meetings and conference calls and 6am wake-ups would be ten times happier.

Granted, everyone would probably be a little more paranoid… but it’s all in good fun.

In fact, one of the reasons to keep the tradition of office pranking alive is actually for the health and safety of all in the workplace. If you don’t cut loose and laugh every now and again, you run a much higher risk of going postal!

So go ahead, switch the settings on your buddy’s mouse to the left hand. Take the roller ball out of their rodent and hide it in their file drawer. And when their done laughing and ask you what on Earth has gotten into you, just smile and tell them that today marks the official opening of prank season.

Happy Hunting!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When Good Pranks Go Bad

Remember that post not too long ago about the importance of planning your prank carefully—lest it backfire on you and end up causing way more grief than it’s worth? Well there’s a little video circulating on You Tube this week that seems to demonstrate this point to a tee.

Of course, I’m still not 100% convinced that the whole thing wasn’t contrived. But whether or not it was staged is not the point. The fact of the matter is, something like this very easily could happen… and what started out as a goofy prank could end up doing quite a bit of damage.

For those of you that haven’t heard the viral phenomenon yet, allow me to paint a picture for you:

On his wife’s birthday, a man arranges to have some of his office buddies pull a little prank on her. They call her up, claiming to be his bosses, and explain that he’s just been fired, and that he’s on his way home. At first, the wife is very (understandably) concerned.

She lets them know that this is a terrible time for him to lose his job. They’ve apparently just had their first child, and bills are piling up. For those listening in on the phone call, you can tell that the “bosses” are trying hard not to laugh, but the poor wife is obviously so upset that she can’t hear it.

That’s when she asks what he did to lose his job, and all hell breaks loose.

When the so-called CEOs explain that her husband was caught in flagrante with his secretary, his now very ticked off wife let’s off a string of curse words that would make a sailor blush. She threatens to toss all of his belongings onto the street before he gets home. And then, she says it…

“Well, now I don’t feel nearly so bad for sleeping with his brother!!!”

Well, happy birthday, honey.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Often, it’s the simplest part of a plan that’s the most important. When planning an office prank, it’s essential to keep in mind that if you allow a minor detail to escape, all your work will be for naught.

For example, all pranks rely on the element of surprise. Knowing that, you now hold the key to a successful office war in the palm of your hand: Keep your prank a secret, Grasshopper.

This shouldn’t be too hard—even for novice prankers. There are, of course, just a few more things to keep in mind when it comes to maintaining secrecy. Among these are keeping in mind when you are going to set up your prank, and whether props will be needed. If so, it’s essential to make sure that they’re concealed well enough.
Things like strings and wires should be as close to the color of where they’re set up as possible. They should also be placed near the ground, out of the view of your unsuspecting target.

You should also remember how everything was placed before you got there. Many office dwellers are creatures of habit, and any little change could tip them off. For example, when tampering with furniture, it’s always a good idea to take a quick picture or make a quick sketch of how everything is laid out, so that you can replace it all quickly when you’re done. Sometimes, a camera phone can be a prankster’s best friend.

Another element that can spoil your fun before it’s even begun is people that know about the prank. They may not realize it, but if everyone is watching one person as they come into the office, your potential victim will be alerted that something is up. And an exposed prank—especially one you’ve worked hard on- is simply no fun.

My personal rule of thumb when it comes to setting up a juicy prank is very similar to a military operation: it’s strictly a need to know basis. If you have no need to know, then you’ll find out at the same time as the victim!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Top 5 Office Prank Ideas

Are you new to the office prank game? Maybe you’re just looking for a few new ideas to spice up an ongoing battle of wits in your own workplace. Or, perhaps, you just need a couple of good ideas for getting even with that one co-worker that just seems to get you ever time.

Whichever the case may be, here’s a look at my top 5 all time favorite office prank ideas:

The Keyboard Re-Do

While this one won’t work for touch typists, it’s always hilarious to see the look of utter shock and confusion on someone’s face when you swap all the letters on their keyboard around, and they have absolutely no clue where they go. For added fun, make sure that you spell out a fun message (your name, perhaps?) in the middle of the newly designed board.

The Cube Fill

From packing peanuts to balloons or newspapers, filling someone’s cubicle with something—anything—is a classic prank that always gets a laugh.

The Great Glue Down

Armed with a couple of bottles of glue, it’s always a laugh to secure someone’s desk contents firmly in place. Of course, there are some rules to abide by if you’re going to pull this one off. First of all, make copies of all documents, and glue the copies, and NOT the original—you don’t want to be destructive! And if your coworker has a nice desk, skip this one, please.

Build a Better Mousetrap

Taking the ball out of a coworker’s mouse can provide you with hours of entertainment. But for a more sophisticated take on the same concept, why not reset the settings for the mouse, and give them a super fast cursor, or some other rascally rodent capability?

The Disappearing Hallway

My favorite office prank of all time still has to be the fake wall that was erected by a boss to completely fool his employees. It was so realistic… the look of confusion on everyone’s faces made it completely priceless. I would LOVE to be able to pull that one off some day!

Anyone have their own favorite ideas?

Revenge is Sweet

So after the little April Fool’s Day prank orchestrated by my darling pal Alex, I knew that I had to cook up a little revenge. But I had to wait a bit, because everyone would be expecting me to try and pull something, and every prankster knows it’s essential to strike when it’s least expected. Besides all of that, it’s been ridiculously busy these past couple of weeks and no one (not even the veterans among us) have had time to dedicate to the office war.

But we hit a lull at the end of last week, and I was able to concoct the perfect comeback plan. I figured since Alex decided to use the phone to get to me at the beginning of the month, I would use the same weapon in my plot for revenge. But forget silly prank calls and take a message ploys. Oh no… I had something much darker in mind.

About 4-5 shades darker, to be exact.

A quick trip to the drugstore on Tuesday after work meant that I could pick up a small bottle of spray on self tanner. You know; the kind that works over the course of a few days? Hehehe…

Wednesday morning, I set my plan into action. Before Alex came in for the day, I sprayed his phone receiver’s earpiece with a light coating of the tanner. When he left his desk for lunch, I reapplied… And when he set off for a late afternoon meeting, I added just a hint more.

I repeated the whole process on Thursday. By Friday morning, his right ear was definitely darker than his left. And by the time we were ready to go home for the weekend, the whole floor was buzzing about the look of his over-baked and slightly orange lobe.

I believe that’s another point for me…

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Take a Message?

At an office like mine… you know everyone fears April 1st. After all, in a building full of tricksters, the biggest pranking day of the year means that no one is safe. Needless to say, we were all on high alert from the time we walked in this morning. (I’ll admit, if it hadn’t been such a crazy week, I would have planned something myself. As it was, I had to simply wait and see what others had planned. I was nervous, to say the least.)

Carefully, I made my way to my desk this morning, on the lookout for booby traps and hazards. I didn’t see anything particularly scary, and almost started to relax a little. When Alex came in and made his way to his own office after a quick good morning, I thought for sure that I was out of the woods.

Not too long after that, I was too busy to worry about anything other than the mountain of paperwork I had to get through by the end of the day. It was looking like one of those days.

Then the phone rang.

“Hi, is Mary in?”

Figuring that someone had accidentally dialed the wrong extension from the main line, I said that I was terribly sorry, that I believe they had the wrong office. Might I redirect them to the operator?

About half an hour later, the phone rang again.

“Hi. Mary?”

Nope. Let me get you to the operator.

After the third inquiry for Mary, however, I dialed the main operator myself. She apologized profusely, letting me know that they were having some trouble with crossed wires, and that they should have the problem resolved shortly. I would have been suspicious, but a few minutes later, a technician showed up in my office to fidget with my phone.

Not 5 minutes after he’d left, my desk phone rang again.

“Hi, this is John; I’m returning Mary’s call”

This went on all day long. By 5 o’clock, I was going out of my mind. I must have fielded 50 calls for Mary.

Just as I grabbed my coat and was heading for the door, my phone rang again. I considered letting it go to voicemail, but was worried that it might be a vendor. So I took a deep breath and answered. The chirpy voice on the other line caught me off guard.

“Hi! This is Mary… do you have any messages for me?”
As laughter erupted throughout all of my surrounding offices, I knew I’d been had.
Don’t worry, guys, I’ll get even.