Monday, April 26, 2010

Inspiration from The Office

So, I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning, sipping my coffee and attempting to think up some clever office pranks, when the image of John Krasinski suddenly popped into my mind.

Now, this really isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Being one of my top celebrity crushes, Mr. Krasinski’s adorable face has a tendency to romance my brain from time to time, causing me to stare into space and sigh, lovingly (not unlike a fourteen-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert).

But, this particular occasion was all business. For, when trying to think up awesome office pranks, all I had to do was look to the clever and creative (and dreamy) prank master, Jim Halpert (played by Krasinski) of The Office.

Jim’s relentless pranking of resident beet farming nemesis, Dwight Schrute, has proved to be one of the funniest aspects of the hit NBC series.

Like the time he paid everyone in the office to call Dwight “Dwayne” for an entire day, the time he (successfully) convinced Dwight he had been turned into a vampire after alleging having been bitten by a bat that had gotten loose in the office, the time he moved Dwight’s desk into the men’s bathroom and so on…

There are five seasons worth of hilarious prank ideas for you to choose from and use on your own coworkers.

Ever come across a coworker who thought the next day was Saturday, not Friday (we’ve all been there)? Instead of telling him or her that there’s still one more day before the weekend, do everything you can to keep them convinced of their mistake. Talk about your plans for tomorrow, Saturday, and how you’re so happy it’s Friday, etc…

At the end of the work day, though, let them know that you were just pranking them and correct them on their mistake. We wouldn’t want them to end up like Dwight, who truly believed it was a Saturday and didn’t show up to work until realizing his mistake half way into the day.

Yes, the prank ideas are endless on The Office. There are a ton of Youtube clips featuring montages and compilations of Jim’s persistent reign of trickster terror on Dwight, so you should definitely check them out if you’re looking for some new methods of office playfulness.

And keep an eye out for those pesky vampire bats.

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