Sunday, June 27, 2010

Creatures of Habit

Ever notice that human beings tend to be creatures of habit?

I mean really… whether it’s the way we eat breakfast, take a shower, or even our work day routine, there are a million things that we do every day without even thinking about it. So why not take advantage of that stability and use it against your unsuspecting coworkers?

For example, if your office is anything like mine, then everyone marches over to the coffee maker every morning, bleary eyes half closed and pour a mug of java before taking a big gulp.

If this is the case, then why not give them a real early morning wake up call? Try this the next time you’re the first person in the office. Hide the full coffee pot in the microwave, and fill the empty one with tap water. Next, add a few crushed coffee beans (for that enticing Folger’s scent) and a few drops of dark food coloring.

Now sit back and wait for the first unsuspecting soul to walk in and pour themselves a tall cup of Joe. Hilarity is bound to ensue as your friends spit out the cold and rather vile concoction once they take a swig. Be warned, though—

Once they recover from the gross out factor, they’re going to be slightly ticked at you. Make sure you have the real coffee pot on hand to ease their mind (and caffeine fix)!

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