Monday, May 17, 2010

Ralph... You're Needed in Lumber

Happy Monday. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent a good chunk of my Sunday wandering the aisles of my favorite super store.

Ever notice how you go into those places looking for one thing (in my case, a propane tank for the grill) and end up wandering out, dazed, hours later with a whole shopping cart full of stuff?

Well, it’s not like I’m not going to get some real use out of the new curtains. And the cases of soda really were a great deal. And that swimsuit is completely adorable…

Anyway, as I meandered up and down the aisles, I couldn’t help but notice just how much use that overhead intercom system gets.

“Attention customers… please visit the bakery section for fresh, warm French bread. Only $1.49!”

“Ralph… you’re needed in at customer service”

“To the customer in a yellow Ford Fiesta with license plate X557BJJ… you’re parked in a red zone. Please move your vehicle before it’s towed”

“Ralph… you’re needed in house wares”

Well, it was about the third time that I heard poor Ralph’s name being called that the idea for a great prank was born.

If you happen to work somewhere with an intercom system, why not make good use out of it by driving a co-worker completely batty?

This is an especially effective prank if you’re good at disguising your voice. (Or, if you can get a few people to join in the fun with you)

Just page someone to report to a department, and then (preferably just as they
arrive) page them again to report to another.

This prank works best when you work in a large place, like a super store, warehouse, or huge building, so that you keep your victim running from one end to another.

Anyone ever try this before? How’d it work?

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