Saturday, May 22, 2010

Everything OK in there?!

Today’s prank comes from a gentleman whose office is apparently even crazier than my own:

“It all started with a department-wide email letting everyone know that we’d be doing some remodeling and construction work on our floor. For the month or so that the building, inspecting, and painting was going on, some of us would be temporarily relocated to other areas.

Just my luck, I was set up at a desk directly outside of the men’s bathroom. Of course, my fellow co-workers (with whom I’ve been involved in a 3 year long prank war) thought this was hilarious, and would go out of their way to “share” their most acoustic bowel movements with me.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep a straight face while talking on the phone or typing up reports. That’s when I decided that it was time for a little vengeance.

That evening, I went out and purchased a small digital controller. With the accompanying software, I was able to control the recorder from my laptop.
Then came the fun part… I recorded about 15 minutes worth of grunting, pausing, heaving, and groaning. For effect, I included a few flatulent sounds as well (thanks to my niece’s whoopee cushion, they were particularly heinous).

The next day, I took a pair of dress shoes and pants to work with me. All that was left was the set up.

Early in the morning, I snuck into the bathroom and set the shoes and pants so that they could be seen from under a stall. It looked just like someone was sitting on the throne.

Then I set the recorder (with the volume turned up) on the back of the toilet tank.
Once my handiwork was done, I returned to my desk. Then it was just a matter of time. Before long, my first co-worker took a bathroom break.

And I smiled to myself as I hit play.

The looks on everyone’s faces as they left the bathroom all day were priceless… and (until now) no one ever knew that it was all a prank!”
--Dave, from California

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