Friday, May 14, 2010

Fashion Show

Good grief! These past two weeks at my office have been busier than just about any time in recent memory. Everyone has been going crazy… probably no one more so than our boss. Our poor CEO has been overworked, over burdened, and generally abused for days now. That’s why we all decided that she could use a few laughs this afternoon.
It being casual Friday and all, everyone was looking forward to leaving their suits and skirts behind for the day—especially since we were going to be stuck in a round robin of meetings all afternoon. I suppose that’s where the idea was born.
It didn’t take very long for the news to circulate around our floor yesterday. (That would be Thursday afternoon)
We decided to each being a few changes of clothes, and spend the entire day swapping outfits, just to see if we could get our boss to think that she’d finally gone off the deep end. Little did we know just how many laughs we’d get out of the whole day.
It started out innocently enough. For the first meeting, I was wearing a pair of jeans, a yellow shirt, and some awesome tan cowboy boots. I smiled to myself when my boss complimented me on my shoes…
My mid morning, I had changed into a sundress and heels. When I walked into the boss’s office to deliver some papers, it was a little difficult to keep a straight face when she took a double take and then shook her head to herself. You could tell she was trying to figure out just what on earth was going on as everyone seemed to be constantly shifting before her eyes.
After lunch, as we all gathered for yet another marketing meeting, she finally asked me if I had changed my clothes. (I was back in my boots—this time paired with skinny jeans and a back tee)
I tried looking confused at her question… and it would have worked, too. But that’s when Bob from accounting came in.
Wearing bright yellow swim trunks, an inflatable life saver, baseball cap, and golf shoes, no less.
Needless to say, none of us could keep a straight face after that.
Luckily, el jefe decided that we all deserved to take off early for the weekend for making her laugh.

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